Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Lingwistyka stosowana, stacjonarne II stopnia

Informacje o programie studiów

Kod: L-LS-2S
Nazwa: Lingwistyka stosowana, stacjonarne II stopnia
Tryb studiów: stacjonarne
Rodzaj studiów: II stopnia
Czas trwania: 2-letnie , 4 semestry
Kierunki, specjalności i specjalizacje poznawane w ramach wszystkich toków nauczania programu (w przypadku tego programu zdefiniowano tylko jeden możliwy tok nauczania). Kierunki: lingwistyka stosowana
Kierunki, specjalności i specjalizacje poznawane tylko w ramach niektórych toków nauczania programu (związane z konkretnymi etapami). Kierunki do
lingwistyka stosowana język angielski z francuskim
lingwistyka stosowana język angielski z niemieckim
lingwistyka stosowana język angielski z rosyjskim
lingwistyka stosowana język niemiecki z angielskim
lingwistyka stosowana Przygotowanie do zawodu tłumacza w zakresie tłumaczenia symultanicznego
Jednostki organizacyjne oferujące ten program studiów Jednostki: Wydział Filologiczny (od 21/22) [ inne programy w tej jednostce ]

Jeśli interesują Cię konkretne, indywidualne wymagania, jakie musisz spełnić na aktualnym etapie studiów, to zajrzyj do modułu zaliczeń etapów:

moje zaliczenia etapów

Główny tok nauczania

Pozostałe toki nauczania

Dodatkowe informacje

Warunki przyjęcia:

świadectwo dojrzałości, dyplom ukończenia studiów pierwszego stopnia i rozmowa kwalifikacyjna

Możliwe do uzyskania certyfikaty:
  • Licencjat - Lingwistyka stosowana
  • Magisterium - Lingwistyka stosowana
Uprawnienia zawodowe: (tylko po angielsku)

The graduate of the second-cycle studies is fully prepared to carry out the following activities:

- specialized communication in the scope of the offered set of foreign languages

- solving problems of intercultural communication

- as part of the translation specialty, being able to translate and interpret specialized texts from the main areas of communicative reality within the offered set of languages

- constantly improving one’s own competences by updating the knowledge, acquiring new skills and searching for new solutions.

Detailed description

Detailed qualifications, types and scopes of competences:

A: linguistic and intercultural competence:

1. Ability to understand and create communicatively relevant texts in language A (Polish), selected language B (English) and language C (German) from the offered language set, in the main subject areas specified in the program and supplemented with other areas of individual choice, taking into account their cultural specificity, especially in communication;

2. Ability to recognize and create communicatively effective intercultural relations in specific communicative situations with representatives of the languages and cultures within the studied language combination of the offered sets: English with German

B: terminological and specialized competence (for both professional profiles):

1. Knowledge of specialized terminology in the program-defined main thematic areas and technolects, and supplemented with other issues of an individual choice in the field of language A (Polish), language B (English) and language C (German) within the offered language sets;

2. Ability to receive and create specialized texts in accordance with specific text patterns from the main subject areas, and supplemented with other areas of individual choice, in the field of language A (Polish), language B (English) and language C (German) within the offered language sets, in order to create effective specialized communication.

C: editorial competence (within the offered and selected language set: English with German):

1. Ability to independently create texts for specific tasks, e.g. for correspondence, preparation of protocols, technical texts, journalistic texts, etc .;

2. Ability to prepare texts in the field of analytical evaluation, syntheses, summaries in order to obtain specific information and to keep various types of documentation;

3. Editing original texts and translations;

4. Processing existing texts for other needs and purposes;

5. Counseling in the field of intercultural communication problems;

6. Ability to manage various forms of texts.

D: translation competence (professional profile)

1. Ability to translate written specialized texts from the individually chosen thematic areas with a different degree of thematic differentiation: technology, medicine, natural sciences, social sciences, etc., regarding appropriate, interlingual-practical processing of various types of text patterns occurring in these areas within the offered and selected language set: English with German

2. Ability to interpret specialized written texts (avista translation) from the individually chosen subject areas (as above) within three transfer modes: simulation, description and synthesis within the offered language set: English and German

3. Ability to provide consecutive (follow-up) interpreting of oral texts from the individually chosen subject areas (as above) within three transfer modes: simulation, description and synthesis, using an appropriate notation system and within the offered language set: English and German

4. Ability to provide simultaneous (in-cabin or conference) interpreting in the main thematic areas and supplemented with individual choice (as above) within the offered and selected language set: English with German

5. Constant readiness to improve one’s own competences (substantive, IT and media) by updating the knowledge, developing new skills and searching for new solutions.

Dalsze studia:

Możliwość ubiegania się o przyjęcie na studia podyplomowe i studia doktoranckie.

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