Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
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Seminarium magisterskie - językoznawstwo MK6 [H-SMMK6-A.N-2S.1] Semestr zimowy 2024/2025
Seminarium magisterskie, grupa nr 3

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Przedmiot: Seminarium magisterskie - językoznawstwo MK6 [H-SMMK6-A.N-2S.1]
Zajęcia: Semestr zimowy 2024/2025 [24/25Z] (zakończony)
Seminarium magisterskie [SM], grupa nr 3 [pozostałe grupy]
Termin i miejsce: Podana informacja o terminie jest orientacyjna. W celu uzyskania pewnej informacji obejrzyj kalendarz roku akademickiego lub skontaktuj się z wykładowcą (nieregularności zdarzają się przede wszystkim w przypadku zajęć odbywających się rzadziej niż co tydzień). (brak danych)
Liczba osób w grupie: 10
Limit miejsc: 23
Zaliczenie: Zaliczenie na ocenę
Prowadzący: Małgorzata Krzemińska-Adamek

Singleton, D. (1999). Exploring the Second Language Mental Lexicon. Cambridge: CUP.

Aitchison, J. (2003). Words in the Mind. An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. Oxford: Blackwell.

Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.

Chodkiewicz, H. (2000). Vocabulary Acquisition from the Written Context. Inferring Word Meanings by Polish Learners of English. Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press.

Nation, I.S.P. (2022). Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge: CUP.

Caro, K., Rosado Mendinueta, N. (2017). Lexis, lexical competence and lexical knowledge: a review. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 205-213.

Nation, I.S.P. (2006). How large a vocabulary is needed for reading and listening? The Canadian Modern Language Review 63(1), 59-82.

Staehr, L.S. (2008). Vocabulary size and the skills of listening, reading and writing. Language Learning Journal 36(2), 139–152.

Miralpeix, I. & Munoz, C. (2018). Receptive vocabulary size and its relationship to EFL language skills. International Review of Applied Linguistics 56(1), 1–24.

Zhang, P. & Graham, S. (2020). Learning vocabulary through listening: the role of vocabulary knowledge and listening proficiency. Language Learning 70(4), pp. 1017–1053.

Uchihara, T. & Saito, K. (2019). Exploring the relationship between productive vocabulary knowledge and second language oral ability. The Language Learning Journal 47(1), pp. 65-75.

Wray, A. (2002). Formulaic Language and the Lexicon. Cambridge: CUP.

Meunier, F. (2012). Formulaic language and language teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 32, 111–129.

Pellicer-Sánchez. A., & Boers, F. (2018). Pedagogical approaches to the teaching and learning of formulaic language. In A. Siyanova-Chanturia & A. Pellicer- Sánchez (Eds.), Understanding Formulaic Language: A Second Language Acquisition Perspective (pp. 153–173). Routledge.

Schmitt, N. (2010). Researching Vocabulary: A Vocabulary Research Manual. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Milton, J. (2009). Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Ma, Q. (2017). Technologies for Teaching and Learning L2 Vocabulary. In Chapelle, C. A. & Sauro, S. (Eds.), The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 45-61). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Hao, T., Wang, Z. & Ardasheva, J. (2021). Technology-assisted vocabulary learning for EFL Learners: a meta-analysis. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 14(3), pp. 645-667.

Kilickaya, F. & Krajka, J. (2010). Comparative usefulness of online and traditional vocabulary learning. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 9(2), pp. 55-63.

Newton J. (2020). Approaches to learning vocabulary inside the classroom. In Webb, S. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.

Laufer, B. (2020). Evaluating exercises for learning vocabulary. In Webb, S. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies Abingdon: Routledge.

Webb, S. & Nation, P. (2017). How Vocabulary is Learned. Oxford: OUP.

Pavicic-Takac, V. (2007). Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. (Chpt. 3, pp. 58-83).

Yongqi Gu, P. (2020). Strategies for learning vocabulary. In Webb, S. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.

Ghazal. L. (2007). Learning vocabulary in EFL contexts through vocabulary learning strategies. Novitas-ROYAL 1(2), pp.84-91.

Hyland, K. & Tse, P. (2007). Is There an “Academic Vocabulary”? TESOL QUARTERLY Vol. 41, No. 2.

Paquot, M. (2010). Academic Vocabulary in Learner Writing. From Extraction to Analysis. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Zakres tematów:

1. The process of learning vocabulary/Memory issues in learning vocabulary

2. Defining vocabulary knowledge/Aspects of knowing a word

3. Vocabulary and the skills of reading and writing

4. Vocabulary and the skills of listening/speaking

5. Formulaic language/Multiword units

6. Vocabulary assessment

7. Learning/teaching vocabulary with technology

8. Selected aspecs of vocabulary teaching (techniques, aims of the programme)

9. Vocabulary learning strategies

10. Specialised uses of vocabulary/Academic vocabulary

Metody dydaktyczne:

Dyskusja nieformalna, burza mózgów, praca z tekstem źródłowym/analiza fragmentów literatury przedmiotu

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

Zaliczenie semestru odbywa się na podstawie przedstawionego przez Studenta/Studentkę wstępnego planu pracy dyplomowej.


M. Krzemińska-Adamek

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