Seminarium: Fonetyka eksperymentalna//Fonologia laboratoryjna [H-SM15-A.N-1S.5]
Semestr zimowy 2022/2023
Seminarium licencjackie,
grupa nr 1
Przedmiot: | Seminarium: Fonetyka eksperymentalna//Fonologia laboratoryjna [H-SM15-A.N-1S.5] |
Zajęcia: |
Semestr zimowy 2022/2023 [22/23Z]
Seminarium licencjackie [SEM-LIC], grupa nr 1 [pozostałe grupy] |
Termin i miejsce:
(brak danych) |
Liczba osób w grupie: | 11 |
Limit miejsc: | 10 |
Zaliczenie: | Zaliczenie na ocenę |
Prowadzący: | Agnieszka Bryła-Cruz |
Literatura: |
Barrata, A. (2022). The role of accent as a class marker in the James Bond films. International Journal of James Bond Studies, 5, 1, 2-20 Bucholtz, M. (2001). Play, Identity, and Linguistic Representation in the Performance of Accent. Texas Linguistic Forum, 44, 2, 227-251 Choy, S. J., & Dodd, D. H. (1976). Standard and nonstandard Hawaiian English-speaking children: Comprehension of both dialects and teacher's evaluations. Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, 2, 184–193 Dahlbäck, N., Wang, Q., Nass, C., & Alwin, J. (2007). Similarity is more important than expertise. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI 07. Dixon, J., Mahoney, B., & Cox, R. (2002). Accents of guilt? Effects of regional accent, race, and crime type on attribution of guilt. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 21, 2, 162-168 Hanzlíková, D., & Skarnitzl, R. (2007). Credibility of native and non-native speakers of English revisited: Do non-native listeners feel the same? Research in Language, 15, 3, 285-298 Lev-Ari, S., & Keysar, B. (2010). Why don’t we believe non-native speakers? The influence of accent on credibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46, 1093–1096 Lippi-Green, R. (2012). English with an Accent: Language Ideology and Discrimination in the United States. Routledge Lundervold, L. (2013). Harry Potter and the Different Accents: A sociolinguistic study of language attitudes in Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. Unpublished MA-thesis, University of Bergen Mclean, C. A. (2007). Establishing credibility in the multicultural classroom: When the instructor speaks with an accent. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 110, 15- 24. Milroy, J., & Milroy, L.. (1999). Authority in language. Investigating Standard English, 3rd ed. London: Routeledge. Neuliep, J.W., & Speten-Hansen, K.M. (2013). The influence of ethnocentrism on social perceptions of nonnative accents. Language & Communication, 33(3), 167-76. Seligman, C.R., Tucker, G.R. & Lambert, W.E. (1972). The effects of speech style and other attributes on teachers' attitudes toward pupils. Language in Society, 1, 1, 131-142 Sønnesyn, J. (2011). The use of accent in Disney’s animated feature films 1995–2009: a sociolinguistic study of the good, the bad and the foreign. Unpublished MA-thesis, University of Bergen Stuart-Smith, J., Pryce, G., Timmins, C., & Gunter , B.(2013). Television can also be a factor in language change: Evidence from an urban dialect. Language 89(3): 501- 36 Vilkensen, T. (2013). “I love accents”: the use of accents in American sitcoms. Unpublished MA-thesis, University of Bergen |
Zakres tematów: |
The course focuses on the notion of standard and non-standard accent in English (foreign-accented speech in particular) and its bearing on broadly understood human communication, including public discourse, advertising and film. The content of the course will largely be based on the outcome of the most significant perceptual studies, which provide insight into the consequences of non-standard accentedness and the phenomenon of linguistic stereotyping as well as language ideology. The mechanism of employing standard or non-standard variety of English for persuasive purposes will be discussed with the aid of selected films, animated cartoons and TV commercials. Students will be able to undertake their own research into the ways in which phonetics is used in the media to evoke certain associations in the target viewer (listener) and convey meaning. They will learn basic methodology to design and conduct their own perceptual studies. The main topics to be covered: 1. Attitudes to accented speech 2. Accent credibility and persuasiveness – accents in marketing 3. Accents in animated films (from Disney early cartoons to the latest animated works by various animation companies) 4. Accents in films (native and non-native; authentic and imitated accents) 5. Accents in different types of discourse (e.g. political, religious; foreign-accented English spoken by celebrities) The course will necessarily introduce the main principles of writing for academic purposes (a BA thesis in particular) in terms of style, structure and content. The students will obtain information regarding how to: search for, locate and acknowledge relevant texts; how to incorporate sources and write a literature review; formulate research questions and hypotheses; select the most suitable methodology for a given purpose (qualitative, quantitative or mixed). They will also learn basic methodology to design and conduct their own perceptual studies. |
Metody dydaktyczne: |
prezentacja / mini-wykład, analiza tekstów naukowych, analiza i dyskusja problemowa na temat źródeł audio-wizualnych, studium przypadku, praca w parach/grupach, referaty studentów |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
sformułowanie i przedstawienie tematu pracy - do 15 listopada sporządzenie konspektu pracy i wstępnego stanu badań - do 15 stycznia przedstawienie pierwszej wersji pierwszego rozdziału - do 10 lutego |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie.